Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Her Dark Lord - Cover and Blurb


When dhampir Kia Montana takes a man home, she isn’t looking for names or a relationship--she only wants someone who can satisfy her lust for both sex and blood. But Kia’s new mission is to find Sean Maximillus, Lord Vampire and the lone being capable of curing Kia’s mother. Kia thought she found the key to success with Ronan, a mysterious man who promises to take her to Maximillus…and who shares a carnal passion with Kia even bloodlust couldn't match.

But Ronan also seems to know too much about Kia…things she never told him. And as she is drawn deeper into Ronan’s world, he reveals secrets that will change Kia’s life forever….


Anna Campbell said...

Ooh, Mel, delicious! Congratulations, that's one hawtttttt cover! Tssss! And the blurb sounds fantastic.

Kylie Griffin said...

Mel, this is a great cover, so clear and clean. I love that my eye was first drawn to the title and author's name, then up to the picture. And the nice touch of decorative blue down the bottom - very classy.

You gotta be pleased with this! :-)

Yummy blurb!

Oh, and by coincidence, I found out who Little Foot belongs to thanks to some scrolling down on this site (lol). That answers my question over on LoveCats DownUnder!

Rachael Johns said...

Congrats on such a gorgeous cover!! Can't wait to read your delicious book!

Mel Teshco said...

Hi Anna,
thanks for dropping by! love the Tsss! Yes, I could see some running of hands along that chest...

Mel Teshco said...

Hey Kylie -
yes it's very simplistic and eye catching - have to agree.
VBG on Little Foot!

Mel Teshco said...

Rachael - I can so easily live with delicious

Sandie Hudson said...

Mel, what a fantastic cover. WOW, just going off to fan myself.

Sue BT said...

Lovely cover! And your name and title stand out, almost like they're 3D.

Can't wait to read your story.

Mel Teshco said...

LOL on the fan! So glad you like the cover =)

Mel Teshco said...

Sue, you're right, it does stand out like 3D - thanks for saying so!

Tracey O'Hara said...

AWESOME cover mel - so exciting!!!

Christina Phillips said...

Ooh I love your cover, Mel - very dark and sexy!

Laurann Dohner said...

I really love that cover. It's sexy and he looks mysterious! It sounds so good... count me in to buy it!!!

H.C.brown said...

Looks really nice Mel.....I'll buy it!

Eleni Konstantine said...

Lovely indeed Mel! One month to go!!

Robyn Grady said...

Mel, I so love it!! Congrats on an awesome first NB cover =)


Mel Teshco said...

Tracey - thanks muchly. You know how much a cover means =)

Christina - so glad you like. I was hoping for dark and sexy, and phew!! that you think so!

Laurann, thanks so much. Hope you like it!

Mel Teshco said...

Hi Heather - thanks for spending money on my book, hope you enjoy it!

Eleni - one month and counting!

Robbie - thanks for dropping by! I've been loving your books!

Tina C said...

Oh nice cover Mel - very nice.

Bye 4 now

Mel Teshco said...

Hi Tina,
glad you like =)

Andrea said...

I love that blue band at the bottom. Very classy.

Mel Teshco said...

Hi Andrea,
thanks for stopping by! I love that band too =)

What I'm working on now...

She’s barely scraping by. His affluence is all an act. Rhonda is just barely holding it together. Her bills are piling up and with her you...