Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I'm a bit of a country girl at heart and so of course I had a great time at my brother's farm, 220 acres of big green hills with creeks that were overflowing big time when I got there (left my car at his neighbor's for a day.)
He had half a dozen cows having calves, in fact one was born half an hour before we got there and tottering around. He's got a few goats that hang out with the horses or cows to help protect them from dingos and wild dogs - since their Maremma 'guard' dog hangs out at the house lol! 
My brother's always been mechanical and creative, and can turn his hand to anything. He built his own home from his own timber, a big games room and an amazing octagonal pergola with gorgeous views for having bbq's. (and damn it, I don't think I have a photo!)
While I was there I managed to outline a whole new series (will speak of that at a later date when it's actually started lol)! I guess being away from the house and relaxed really sets free the creative juices =)



Kylie Griffin said...

That Maremma looks like he's living the good life, Mel. So much for guarding! LOL

Glad you're home safe and sound and unflooded or stranded. :-)

Eleni Konstantine said...

Welcome home, Mel. And well done on the outline. Definitely looks like it would an inspirational place.


Mel Teshco said...

Hi Kylie!

Yes, he's one spoiled dog (and OMG the ticks he gets!!) It's great country for him - when he's not lazing around the house lol!

And yes, the roads were pretty good, some water logged paddocks along the way =)

Mel Teshco said...

Thanks Eleni =)

It's a great place to get the imagination going, love it there.

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