Friday, January 27, 2012

Something Wicked...

There's been lots of great reviews for this anthology, but I couldn't resist putting up one more 5 star review from Romance Writers Reviews.

WOW! Love these stories, Scorching Hot and Super sexy! Each one was unique, but equally enjoyable…a great collection!

Captain of Nara’s Heart. This book had a very different storyline, very interesting. Characters were amazing; the chemistry between the characters was fantastic. The story was extremely well written; the author grabs your attention from first page and holds it until the last!

Dragon Heat. Love the characters, and storyline. The story had a perfect amount of suspense that kept the story very interesting. This story takes you on a very different journey, and you just don’t know what will happen until the very end.

Dangerous Addiction. HOT HOT HOT with lots of sexy details! The story is sexy and sweet with a positive message about finding happiness again, even after a bad experience.

Highland Tryst. Certainly not a typical romance story, characters were far fetch, but surprisingly almost believable. The story was sweet, interesting and very funny. It was interesting to compare our lifestyle to that of many many years ago.

Tattoo Witch. The story was Interesting and held my attention the entire time. It was a very hot and sexy. You just didn’t know what was going to happen. I certainly couldn’t predict what happened at the end…but was very happy with the ending.

The Addiction. I enjoyed this story very much; it was sweet, with an ending that will melt your heart.

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Reviewer: Wanda


Anonymous said...

Hey, Mel. Congrats on the splendid review. I've only read the first 8 or so stores, but for my money your story is far and away been the best. (And no I'm not blowing wind up your skirt, just my taste). I preferred the characters, their interaction wasn't forced or contrived, great adventure. Oh dear, I think I'm a bit of a harsh critic or maybe I just don't 'get' erotic.

Anyway, more kudos to you. :)

Kylie Griffin said...

Wunderbar!!!! A keeper and great shout out, Mel. :-)

Mel Teshco said...

Thanks so much Sandy - I've read some of the other stories and loved them - so that's a great compliment =))

Mel Teshco said...

Thanks Kylie - lovely to read the 5 stars =)

Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Congratulations on the review, that is awesome Mel.
It's already on my tbr pile. At present, I'm loaded up with edits, and rewrites. :)

Mel Teshco said...

Hey, thanks Suz!

Hope you enjoy the read =)

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