Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bad Boy Hero's

Reading Becca's blog has got me thinking about my current WIP (a follow-up from Stone-Cold Lover) and my bad boy hero who looks quite a bit like J.D Fortune (ex-lead singer of INXS). J.D here looks very clean cut, but I'm sure he's fooling no one! The same can be said for my hero-in-the-making, who oozes charm and manners but has this underlying...badness. Is he filthy rich - he owns a casino or three - through his connections to the mafia and organized crime...or not?


Anonymous said...

Gotta love a bad boy who looks clean cut!!!!!!

Mel Teshco said...

I have to agree with you there!1

What I'm working on now...

She’s barely scraping by. His affluence is all an act. Rhonda is just barely holding it together. Her bills are piling up and with her you...