Saturday, September 5, 2009

Stress, Creativity & Writing

It's been more than obvious to me lately that my writing has suffered thanks to some personal stuff happening in my life. (nothing serious) Words seem to be jammed somewhere at the back of my numb brain. Still, I know if I was on deadline I'd have to push past it, have to forge ahead no matter what. It's made me wonder how other writer's have managed this with their own problems (though I guess we mostly put big name authors on a pedestal, above the sea of swimming sharks). Love to hear anybody's personal experiences with this, and what/how they pushed through it =)


Eleni Konstantine said...

Oh yes Mel, I so know the 'Life gets in the way' syndrome. I really don't have an answer - I just pretty much go one step at a time. But then again the only deadlines I have are the ones I place on myself. Hope your life settles soon and that the words flow again. :)

Mel Teshco said...

Hi Eleni,
I guess it'd be boring (but peaceful!) if life was smooth sailing!
yes, one step at a time works everytime =)

Anna Hackett said...

Hi Mel --
I love the sharks analogy! I've tried lots of different things to spark the muse...and I've learned that it's different for each story. Determination and stubborness are needed as well (-:

Mel Teshco said...

Hi there Anna!
Ah yes, determination and stubborness are definately key for a writer =)

Robyn Grady said...

Don't you just love Stephen King!!!
If I have a deadline and personal stuff keeps getting in the way, I don't go to bed until I finish my page count. Sometimes it's as SK says, but it gets the brain working forward and past the 'Oh do I really have to work now?' stage. A page at a time. And saying no when you need to, which I think is a difficult thing - but doable =)
Robbie x

Mel Teshco said...

Hi Robbie!
From a lady who writes as many as 5 books a year - I'd believe it =)
Ah yes, the 'no' thing. I must practise it more often LOL!!

What I'm working on now...

She’s barely scraping by. His affluence is all an act. Rhonda is just barely holding it together. Her bills are piling up and with her you...