Friday, October 30, 2009

Backpacking Brother (Image 1)

While I'm a stay-at-home mum with a life that revolves around my family and my writing - which I love - my brother has chosen life at the opposite side of the spectrum and has lived a very footloose and well travelled life where he's backpacked all over the world and chosen careers to suit his lifestyle. (White water rafting guide, master scuba diving instructor - to name a few)
I've decided to show a little of his travels each fortnight or so (with a picture or two) just out of interests sake - he's started travelling again, but this time solely relying on his 'red charger' a postie motorbike that is truly indestructable.

Picture 1:- On the island of Java, and in the background the spires of an Ancient Hindu temple complex - a tourist attraction currently having some areas rebuilt after being badly damaged in a recent earthquake. In the foreground, taking pride of place, is Steven's "red rocket." Java is now a Muslim island - the only Hindu dominated place in Indonesia is Bali.


Eleni Konstantine said...

Wow what a gorgeous shot. That looks amazing.

Mel Teshco said...

it is gorgeous Eleni, I have to agree with you! Thanks for saying so!

New Release! Reformed!

  Due to me misjudging time zones and being a handful of minutes too late to upload Reformed to Amazon, my readers with pre-orders of Reform...