Sunday, October 18, 2009

What's in a Name??

About twelve months ago our cat, Shandy, (pictured) died from a snake bite, reducing our cat clan from four to three. Just recently we agreed to adopt another cat from my daughter's best friend who was moving out - and couldn't take 'Kayla' with her. As all our cats and some of our horses have been named after alcohol and the occasional motorbike (Shandy, Bundy, Ginnie, Yammie, Tequila, Sherry etc) - no one in the family liked the new cat's name... and even now she has yet to be called a 'real' name.
My husband took a liking to "Puss" and it stuck for a week. But then when this lovely newcomer took a liking to pooing on a different bathmat in the bathroom each day, we started to call her "Shitty Kitty" and it's really stuck. Now we were assured that Shitty Kitty mustn't be able to conceive as she'd 'did' it quite a bit with another cat they had who was an undesexed male - of course she's ready to drop a bundle of kittens any day now, going by her huge belly which will give us plenty of boozy names to consider once the kittens are born!
All this had me thinking about our hero and heroine names, and how they affect the way we see them in our minds. I can't imagine a Tall, Dark and Handsome hero having a name like Tiny or Peanut and a heroine a name like Apple or Sheila. It just wouldn't match the visual!
Anyone read a book with really bad (to your mind!) hero and/or heroine's names, latey!??


Laurann Dohner said...

LOL about the cat. We got a kitten some months ago when a girl had to get rid of it. She said it was a girl. Turns out Molly has BALLS. So... we had to rename him. Balls stuck! Then he started running out the door so now we're calling him the running man. LOL.

How about Kahlua? It's close to Kayla, it's a drink, and it like your cat, it gets around. LOL. You can mix it with damn near anything and it's all good. LOL.

By the way, I have 4 cats and we have a girl that could be the twin to that one. We named her Cali. (for California or because she's a Calico... take your pick).

Mel Teshco said...

Hey, like that suggestion Laurann! And lol on "Balls!"
Sounds like we have very similar cats =)
Do you want another kitten LOL!

Laurann Dohner said...

LOL, Mel. No more pets! I have 4 kids, 4 cats, and 1,200 square feet of home to put them in. The husband and I feel overrun as it is. LOL. And did I mention my oldest is pregnant? So... we'll be adding another kid to the household in about 4 months. I SOOOO need a second bathroom or a new home! LOL.

Tez Miller said...

Heroine names...earlier this year, I stumbled across a book on the Internet, and the heroine's name was...DUNNY! So hysterical, I couldn't imagine even trying to read the book; I'd be too distracted by the name ;-)

Call one of the potential new kitties Thundercat! :-) Or at least photograph them for us, so we can make sure our name suggestions match their designated cat ;-)

Mel Teshco said...

LOL - Dunny!!! Now that is hilarious!! Don't think I could top that one (g)
I will take some photos of those kittens (have to get another camera to upload!) and thundercat LOL! I'll remember that one!

Laurann damn shame about the kittens! Oh, another EC granny - welcome to the fold LOL!!!

Mel Teshco said...

yes lol! though what I found on a towel and splattered on some clothes in the bathroom this morning wasn't quite so funny... never had trouble like this toilet training a cat!!! *sigh*

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