Monday, November 30, 2009


Though it's still a work in progress, I finally have a website up and running! in-between getting my computer fixed with its many problems...
Check it out at
(and thanks Laurann for your tips!)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Finding a Balance

Obviously I love writing... I also love each of my manuscripts at any given moment, depending on which one is flowing and which one I've spent the most time on (or not). It's like having ten different children and loving them all but discovering you've spoiled one a little more than the others.
At the moment my Nocturne Bites novella is my priority as I have only a certain amount of time to get it polished and pretty, but I'm also discovering my very restless mind needs a break occasionally - and then I'll spend some of the day and a good portion of the night on another manuscript (currently Ice-Cold Lover).
Everyone works differently, but for me it's amazing how much more work I get done doing things this way, how much more exciting things are when you 'rediscover' them. Tomorrow and another two or three days at least I'll refocus on Blood Chance (Noc Bites working title) and then spend some quality time on Believe, which I have handwritten notes to transfer onto screen - and get to that elusive 45K mark!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Holiday & New Moon

Had a weekend away at Rockhampton where hubby raced his gokart. I did lots of freehand writing for the single title story 'Believe' to hopefully reach my 45K mark, but mostly I explored the area where I intend to set a short story - perfect setting for something paranormal with the 6ft tall dead as dead grass and dry river beds. Anyway, the first night there two of my daughters and I went to see New moon. Shannon who is eleven and devours paranormal books, wasn't fussed at all. For her it was boring with too little action. Teagan who is nineteen and a hopeless romantic, loved it. So did I! There's something about werewolves (particularly in ah, human form LOL) that makes the old heart tick faster...
Rating for New Moon
Shannon: 6/10
Teagan: 9/10
Me: 8/10

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Rachel Bailey's 2nd Desire release!!

Another gorgeous cover =)
This is Rachel Bailey's second 2010 release, coming out in Feb! And yet another book I can't wait to read!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Backpacking Brother (Image 2)

These triangular shaped houses (near Lake Toba) are unique to the Batik people of Sumatra (Sumatera) which is an island in Indonesia. The Batik people are a minority religion with a mix of Catholic, Christian and Animist beliefs from mostly Dutch influences.
(more complicated than this, but the more you learn, the less you understand...)
Note: red rocket parked pride of place in foreground

Rachel Bailey: Silhouette Desire release!

Just had to showcase this gorgeous cover once more, Rachel Bailey's debut book "Claiming His Bought Bride," with a release date of Jan 2010. This is followed by a Feb release of "Blackmailed Brides Secret Child."
Just a couple of the many brilliant books Rachel will sure to release over the coming years!
Congrats Rach!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Blood Chance

Blood Chance is a 11K or so vampire story I sent to Nocturne Bites some eight months ago. Happy to say they apparently love it and are ringing me tomorrow morning with more details! *But no contract as yet!*
At this point in time I'm really in my comfort zone writing shorter length stories, so to be able to write for two great publishers doing what I love would be a dream come true! Will post more news as I get it!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Making time to read!

There's nothing like reading a wonderful book, curled up in bed, (going for the visuals here now) rain pattering on the tin roof, cat purring in my arms and husband *softly* snoring beside me (or should that be husband in my arms LOL)
Now that I've committed to write until I hit 45K with Believe, it leaves little time to read. Well, I'm usually up until way after midnight anyway, writing my stories, so I guess I'm left with little time to read either way! I've still managed to read a couple of recently released stories from some great mates of mine: Night's Cold Kiss by Tracey O'hara and I've almost finished Shadowfae by Erica Hayes. *sigh* It makes me realise why I love writing all over again =)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


This is the book that I'd very inaccurately stated (to my co-writer) would be finished by this christmas - 09! Of course, this was also before I was published by Ellora's Cave and I imagined having all this free time
Anyway, some how or another, I've been dillydallying around and getting nowhere fast with this particular story! So, I've set myself a very attainable goal - I want to reach 45K (50% done) by November 20th ie: before holiday. And before I get back
onto track with my next Ellora's Cave paranormal, Ice Cold Lover. So, I'd better crack my knuckles and get a move on! Please, wish me luck!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Kallie Revealed - Done & Done!

I'm pleased to say - finally - FINALLY!! My short story is just now winging its way through cyber space to my editor. Phew! This story would honestly have had to be the hardest one yet for me to get right. A short story (10K) leaves no room for error but glaring evidence of any mistakes.
I'll post any news of its release and a blurb as soon as I'm able (no doubt after a round or two of revisions from my editor lol!) - but I can say it's a contemporary about a stripper exploring her fantasy after facing a personal tragedy.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November: Quote

If you can't annoy somebody, there's little point in writing
~Kingsley Amis

FREE ebook boxset: Taken by the Sheikh

  For a few short days our three book boxset, Taken by the Sheikh, is FREE on Amazon! Perfect for those of you not in Kindle Unlimited! FREE...