Monday, November 9, 2009

Making time to read!

There's nothing like reading a wonderful book, curled up in bed, (going for the visuals here now) rain pattering on the tin roof, cat purring in my arms and husband *softly* snoring beside me (or should that be husband in my arms LOL)
Now that I've committed to write until I hit 45K with Believe, it leaves little time to read. Well, I'm usually up until way after midnight anyway, writing my stories, so I guess I'm left with little time to read either way! I've still managed to read a couple of recently released stories from some great mates of mine: Night's Cold Kiss by Tracey O'hara and I've almost finished Shadowfae by Erica Hayes. *sigh* It makes me realise why I love writing all over again =)


Rachael Johns said...

Okay... I thought I commented before - wierd!

Anyway just wanted to say I totally know where you're coming from. I have NO time to read at the moment. If I didn't want to write as well, I'd be devouring books but there's just not enough hours in the day!!

Mel Teshco said...

Hi Rachael!
The same thing's happened to me too, made comments but gone back and they're not there! Maybe when our little ones are a bit older we'll get to read =)

Christina Phillips said...

I'm almost half way through Night's Cold Kiss and am absolutely loving it!!

Mel Teshco said...

Hey Christina!
Yes, it's a great book =)

Tracey O'Hara said...

Hey Sweeties. Mwah Mel - you know I love you and Christina - waves. Have you read about Viktor yet???

Rachel - and Mel - yes I want to read more. Stone Cold Lover was an awesome read though - :D

Mel Teshco said...

Heya Trace!
I won't say a word about Viktor - but hasn't he got everyone talking!!
And thanks Tracey, so glad you enjoyed Stone-Cold Lover!

Christina Phillips said...

Well I am reading about Viktor but after the chat on the loop I confess I'm kind of freaked out about what might happen to him!!!

Laurann Dohner said...

LOL Mel. I envy you finding the time or making the time to read. LOL. I just bought 2 books last week, one an ebook, one from Borders... and haven't found the time to read either of them! One of them is Nalini Singh's newest. (That says it all because I was waiting when the store opened to go grab it! LOL!) I'm too busy finishing my WIP (I got a series title for my books!!!) so I'm finishing the 4th one to be deserving of it (LOL) Enjoy reading!!!

Mel Teshco said...

LOL - interesting to see what you think!
laurann, you're amazingly dedicated, need to take a leaf from your book right now - and Nalini Singh, I *have* to read more of her stuff, her latest works sound amazing!

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