Saturday, January 30, 2010

Black Beauty

Stopped into the local DVD shop to hire some weekly movies. We picked up Black Beauty for Miss Two. She's in bed right now, oblivious to the fact we're watching her special 'horsey' film. (she has an obsession with horses, to the point it's almost all she ever talks about). It doesn't seem to matter how many times I watch this movie, I get emotionally involved IE: upset. Has anyone else seen this movie? It's well worth watching in my opinion.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Silhouette Nocturne Authors Blog

There's some interesing discussions going on at the Nocturne Authors blog - I especially love the 12 days of Christmas - vampire style. You'll find the blog here:

Monday, January 25, 2010

CatWalk Wednesday

For those of you who have a photo of their beloved pet - furry, scaled or feathered, I'd love to see them and perhaps showcase it on the LoveCats Downunder blog "Catwalk Wednesday".
The LoveCats will pick one gorgeous picture each week with a little bio about the pet =)
To check out the first of our pet stars, go to:
Send the pet photo to: and I'll send back a selection of questions.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Book of the Month & January reads

Naughty Nights In The Millionaire's Mansion

I loved this book! A heroine trying to keep her small business afloat, and a hero ready to take over the reins of his huge family empire. The interaction between Mitch and Vanessa is so entertaining, so real. I was pulled into Mitch's dilemma with the heroine he can't help but love and the empire he just may lose because of it. Did I mention the suicidal fish? lol!!

Robbie has long been a favourite writer of mine, but NNITMM had just the right amount of humour, with a quirky, animal loving heroine and a smitten hero, the perfect ingredients for a great read.

January Reads:
Midnight Embrace: Amanda Ashley
Lover's Bite: Maggie Shayne
Fever: Christine Feehan
Exposed: Misbehaving with the Magnate: Kelly Hunter

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Official Blurb for Her Dark Lord

Though I have no cover yet, I'm excited by the fact my editor just sent me the official blurb they'll use for the March release of my Nocturne Bites story =)


When dhampir Kia Montana takes a man home, she isn’t looking for names or a relationship--she only wants someone who can satisfy her lust for both sex and blood. But Kia’s new mission is to find Sean Maximillus, Lord Vampire and the lone being capable of curing Kia’s mother. Kia thought she found the key to success with Ronan, a mysterious man who promises to take her to Maximillus…and who shares a carnal passion with Kia even bloodlust couldn't match.

But Ronan also seems to know too much about Kia…things she never told him. And as she is drawn deeper into Ronan’s world, he reveals secrets that will change Kia’s life forever….

Monday, January 18, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Kreative Blogger Award

Thank you so much to Christina Phillips and Hetal Petal for passing this luverly award onto me!! All I have to do now is think of seven fun/interesting things about myself (drums fingers and scratches head) before passing it along to seven others!
Well, here goes...

1- I'd quite happily live as a vegetarian and never see another animal slaughtered for our needs. (though admittedly I succumb now and then)

2- Before I had children I rode one of my two horses at least two to three hours everyday - didn't matter if it was through the mountains or alongside the main road - it was my passion before writing (and my gorgeous kids) overtook it.

3- At present I have eight cats, four of which are kittens I'm having trouble giving up

4- I often daydream about having enough money to hire a house cleaner - then realise I'd only stick on another couple of kilos by being too lazy

5- In summer I swim laps at 5am at the local pool (not as often as I should) kinda makes the pool in my backyard obsolete LOL

6- my mother immigrated to Australia with her sister and parents from Germany, living in a tent and then a shed for some years

7- I was seriously introverted when I was young, a sensitivity that worsened with all the packing up and moving we done as I grew up.

okay thanks again - I think!! - Christina and Hetal. Wow. That was seriously hard!! And now in no particular order and to whomever of the following would like to participate, I choose:

Becca J.Heath
Ramblings of a Romance Writing Mama
Midnight Confessions
Eleni's Taverna
Kylie Griffin

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Posting at LoveCats DownUnder

My topic today at LoveCats: Paranormal Inspiration.
Love to see you there (and giveaway lots of books!)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

LoveCats DownUnder - launching soon!!!

I'm excited to be part of this blog with some very talented DownUnder writers!! Launching this Monday the 11th, there'll be seven days of celebration with each author posting a different day. There will be book giveaways and a major prize at the end. Love to see you guys there! =)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Nocturne Author's Official Launch

A new website has now been launched for the Nocturne authors, with bio's, a bookshelf (mine is empty until I have my cover - very soon!), and contests!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Book Handling

After taking Miss eleven to the airport today and with hours to spare - it was only too easy to immerse ourselves in the bookshop there for a bit (if only Miss two hadn't decided enough was enough - a girl her age has other needs lol!). It was while we were browsing the YA section and I opened up a book and oohed and aahed about the first scene that Shannon (better known here as Miss eleven) gasped aloud and said, "Mum, don't fold the cover back like that!" that I realised how apparently slapdash I handle my books. To me, books are meant to be squished this way and that, held comfortably, become worn with repeated pickups (not that it happens to any of my books too much these days, I have too big a TBR pile to reread many of them) and have that 'loved' look about them.
It begs the question - what type of book handler are you?
Love to hear some thoughts and names =)

FREE ebook boxset: Taken by the Sheikh

  For a few short days our three book boxset, Taken by the Sheikh, is FREE on Amazon! Perfect for those of you not in Kindle Unlimited! FREE...