Sunday, February 28, 2010

Who is YOUR favourite vampire?

To celebrate the release of HER DARK LORD and my fellow Nocturne Bites author, Anna Hackett’s HUNTER’S SURRENDER, Anna and I are giving away a different vampire Bites every week during March and April.

For the chance to win, just visit our blogs each week and come share some fav vampire facts. We’ll be announcing a winner every Sunday (Aussie time) for the next two months.

To kick off Week 1, come and share here at my blog who’s your favourite vampire and you’ll go in the draw to win a free download of HER DARK LORD.

Next week, stop by Anna’s blog for a chance to win Michele Hauf’s Bites, THE VAMPIRE’S TANGO.


Anna Hackett said...

Hey Mel --
I wanted to share my fav vamps: I'm partial to all Christine Feehan's Carpathians, Cian from Nora Roberts' Circle Trilogy, Lady Lyssa from Joey. W Hill's Vampire Queen series and Dimitri from Nalini Singh's Guild Hunter series...hmm, I really love a great vampire (-:

Christina Phillips said...

Ooh vampires. OK I'll go with Eric from True Blood (the series!!!) Highlights or not, I don't care, he's baaaaad!!!!

Helen Hardt said...

I love them all! But I especially love one of my own -- Rex Donnelly in Blood Wolf. Yummy!

Mel Teshco said...

Joey W Hill is one author I've been meaning to read for AGES!! Will be high on my list now =)
And glad to see you've got such great reading taste!

Mel Teshco said...

Christina, I love Eric too!! (the shapeshifter, not so much lol!!) there's just something about him...

Mel Teshco said...

tell us more!!

Laurann Dohner said...

I am partial to Lara Adrian's Breed series and Amelia Elias's Guardian's League series (OH...I wish she would write more but she dropped off the face of the Earth it seems since her website is gone!)

Laurann Dohner said...

Oh... and I LOVE the new pic on your website! I LOVE the woman who uses black backgrounds for EVERYTHING!

Mel Teshco said...

Hi Laurann - some more authors I'm going to have to check out!!
Yes, the gnarly old tree which was a temporary standby, overstayed its welcome! LOL

Anonymous said...

I love my own hero, Antoine Renard.

As sexy as they come, and as mysterious as can be.

Now just to finish writing..*scribbles away*

katsrus said...

I love Eric from True Blood also! He's hot!

Sue B

Em ~ elove said...

Hi Mel,

Congrats on your release! After reading STONE-COLD LOVER, HER DARK LORD is going straight to the TBR (You though I was going to say 'pool room' then, didn't you??)

I concur with any on many of her fave vamps - love Feehan's and Roberts' Cian (so NUM!). I also have a bit of a soft spot for Laurell K Hamilton's boys, if I'm feeling energetic. :)

Ooh, and JR Ward did a fabulous short story - title eludes me - with a gorgeous captive vampire int it...

I enjoyed Theresa Meyer's Raphael in SALVATION OF THE DAMNED - he might be my fave BITES vampire - but I'm still yet to read yours - jury's out!

Of course, there's also Anna's Dominique in HUNTER'S SURRENDER that is a definite candidate for that title too... :)

See you next week! E x

Mel Teshco said...

Lou, thanks for dropping by! Have to say your hero sounds very hot indeed =)

Mel Teshco said...

Sue - another Eric fan! I fully agree =)

Mel Teshco said...

Em, so glad you enjoyed STONE-COLD LOVER, I hope you enjoy my vampire story too! =)
Feehan is great! JR Ward - love her books! And I confess to liking her Black Dagger brotherhood more than her new series (but still love it!)
I have *so* much reading to catch up on.

Ju Dimello said...

Hi Mel,

Congrats on the release !

Mine's probably a bit tame ;) I loved the Morganville vampires - Sam and Michael :)

Mel Teshco said...

Hi Ju!
Thanks for the congrats - and thanks for bringing yet another series to my attention!

Ju Dimello said...

Hey, how did I forget to mention the "happy cup cake" award for you at my blog.. guess I was too caught up in vampires ;)

Mel Teshco said...

Oh!! will go check it out! =)

Kylie Griffin said...

Favourite vampire? You're asking me to stop at just one, Mel? Acckk. Can't. Sorry ;-)

OK, some fav's of mine...

* Wraith from PASSION UNLEASHED by Larissa Ione (he might only be half vampire but he's still sexy as Sheoul),
* Connal from ECSTACY UNVEILED also by Larissa Ione (he's also half warg but that makes things just that little bit more interesting),
* Eric Mcnair from WICKED NIGHTS by Nina Bangs (double plus here as he likes chocolate),
* Raphael Vega from SCARLET by Jordan Summers (an alpha with charm),
* Wrath from DARK LOVER by JRWard (he may be blind but, man, do his other senses make up for that shortfall),
* Gawain from MASTER OF SWORDS by Angela Knight (a Magus lover to die for) and
* Michael from THE STORY OF SON by JRWard (the virgin vampire).

All vampires and darn hot!

Mel Teshco said...

OMG Kylie, you are a walking library!! Some great books there, and a couple I'll have to check out! I too love Wrath, he's my favourite =)

Tracey O'Hara said...

Okay - had to say Christian. I know - self serving - but he is the vampire I wanted to meet.

Kirsten said...

I like Eric from True Blood, Victor from Lynsay Sands Argenau series & Emmet Cullen from Twilight. In random order.

Mel Teshco said...

Tracey, I agree, Christian is HOT! And he really does have a dark side that is irrisitible =)

Mel Teshco said...

Hi Kirsten -
some great heroe's there. Emmet from Twilight is my daughter's favourite too!

What I'm working on now...

She’s barely scraping by. His affluence is all an act. Rhonda is just barely holding it together. Her bills are piling up and with her you...