Friday, June 25, 2010

Book Piracy

A controversial subject, with two very different reasonings.
*The readers who download our books are likely not to be the people who'd read our books anyway - does this make it right!??
*The people downloading our books for free are putting the readers up in arms who are legitimately buying them, giving them the reasoning of why should I be paying for this when all these people aren't? And yes, creating even more pirates.
There's a great post by Ellora's Cave author, Tracey Cooper-Posey who gives a very valid argument about this sensitive subject.


Rachael Johns said...

Argh - I'm not published but book piracy makes me RED!!!! Thanks for the link... off to check it out :)

Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Thanks for the link Mel.
I am so disappointed that this happens. It's not fair on the author, or the publisher.

Off to check it our now.
Thanks for posting it.

Suzanne :)

Mel Teshco said...

Hi Rach and Suzanne,
I know exactly what you mean! So sick of seeing my books on pirate sites, seems like our profession isn't respected enough for this to even be able to happen =(

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