Was also great to catch up with my brother who lives in NSW (and who many think is my twin) and whose birthday is actually the day before mine.
As if such a great night wasn't enough, my husband topped off my birthday morning (the next day) with a gift voucher with four different sessions at a beauty clinic: Visit 1: Aromatherapy Facial (swiss formulated botanica products massaged into skin followed by a gentle exfoliation then a drenching mask applied.) Visit 2: a Bliss Back Facial (tingling exfoliation crystals massaged into back, neck and shoulders and removed gently with warm compress. Silky moisturising balm then applied.) Visit 3: Sole Retreat (tired and aching feet plunged into a warm foot bath. With deep sea minerals, essential oils and an expert touch, tired legs and dry skin will vanish. Soak, foot and legs massage) Visit 4: Spa Massage (A specially designed massage. An aromotherapy blend with subliminal music and the sound of you own heart beating for a restful state.
What a gorgeous present!!! Thanks hubby! And thanks to my girls! =)
Sounds like you had a very special day and will be having more special days. Yay! :)
Thanks Eleni,
I really did - and looking forward to those massages now!
Happy Birthday Mel...great the gift vouchers...now you are very spoilt. :)
I'm glad you had a lovely birthday.
Happy happy birthday once again.
Suz :)
Sounds like you had a great birthday!!!
Thanks Suzanne, I was spoiled. The only thing missing was the red sports car LOL!!!!
I loved it Laurann,
a very memorable 40th =)
OOh Mel, the beauty clinic sessions sound completely fabulous! And so do the cocktails!!
I agree Christina,
can't wait!!
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