Here is a snippet:
Wow, Ms Techo has written quite the story with Ice Cold Lover. While this is the second book in this series, I will definitely be checking out the first book in the Winged and Dangerous series! I’ve been hooked by Ms. Teshco superb story-telling skills. I found myself whisked away into the world she created. I loved the idea of Celeste, a half human /half gargoyle trying to find if not love at least a bit of sexual satisfaction with Pascal.
Thanks Tamara! For more of her review check out the above BlackRaven's site =)
Save this on your page for ICL. Great morale boost and a keeper!
Thanks Kylie,
it is most definately a keeper, and so glad someone 'gets' my writing =)
Great review Mel,
I bet you grined from ear to ear reading it for the first time.
All the best,
Suz :)
LOL you got that right Suz!
Good day!This was a really terrific Topics!
I come from roma, I was fortunate to find your blog in digg
Also I obtain a lot in your theme really thank your very much i will come every day
Thanks Anon,
hope you enjoy the books! =)
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