Sunday, November 14, 2010

One More Review...

Ice-Cold Lover got another lovely review, as did Stone-Cold Lover, this time from ParaNormal Roamnce Reviews. Thanks Karen, for those recommendations!!
I've posted part of ICL review below, the rest can be found at: ParaNormal Romance Reviews.

This is the second story in Ms. Tescho's Gargoyle series. She has a way of bringing her characters alive with emotion and a heart wrenching need to be wanted and loved. Another fast paced tantalizing romance to add to your list of must read tales! I also recommend Stone Cold Lover. Both stories stand alone, but you don't want to miss Celeste's. 

This is a fast paced story with a tantalizing romance, suspense and non-stop action. You will fall in love with honor bound Cray, who hates the way his body transforms into the hideous Gargoyle, and you'll feel for Loretta and understand how a life changing event left her scared on the inside.
This is a fabulous book of tortured souls who need each other to heal. Highly Recommended. Don't miss the second book of this series: Ice Cold Lover.

For more of this review: ParaNormal Romance Reviews


Kylie Griffin said...

Mel, are your books being randomly read and reviewed or are they ones your publisher or you have sent out to them?

And how are you kept abreast of who reviews your work - word of mouth???

Mel Teshco said...

Hi Kylie,
Ellora's Cave sends out to some reviewers (I love EC!!) but other's are random. Karen emailed me to say she'd reviewed these last ones =)
Otherwise, google alert will let me know!

Christina Phillips said...

Congrats on the great reviews, Mel!

Mel Teshco said...

Thanks Christina =)

What I'm working on now...

She’s barely scraping by. His affluence is all an act. Rhonda is just barely holding it together. Her bills are piling up and with her you...