These two books couldn't be more different. My alien book (working title: Abducted) is possibly my sexiest book yet with three hero's and one heroine.
Believe has no sex scenes whatsoever, and possibly won't-though it definately won't be marketed as an inspirational.
WOW - a Mel book with NO sex scenes? That's hard to believe? Ha - no pun intended! HOW did your mother accidentally read your book? That is my worst nightmare!
LOL! I know it's hard to believe, but true BWG
I went to my mum's for a night and thought I'd email her my story for *Me* to read when I was there so I could carry on writing from where I'd stopped...
lesson learned!!
Good going with the wordcount. and LOL Re your mum reading it.
that was a bit of a blush moment =))
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