Monday, November 29, 2010

word count...but whose counting!??

I managed over 1000 words on my alien novel for EC today - which just out of interest, my mother read the first three chapters of (long story, but it was *not* meant to happen).  I also wrote just under 1000 words for my co-written book, Believe.
These two books couldn't be more different. My alien book (working title: Abducted) is possibly my sexiest book yet with three hero's and one heroine. 
Believe has no sex scenes whatsoever, and possibly won't-though it definately won't be marketed as an inspirational.


Rachael Johns said...

WOW - a Mel book with NO sex scenes? That's hard to believe? Ha - no pun intended! HOW did your mother accidentally read your book? That is my worst nightmare!

Mel Teshco said...

LOL! I know it's hard to believe, but true BWG
I went to my mum's for a night and thought I'd email her my story for *Me* to read when I was there so I could carry on writing from where I'd stopped...
lesson learned!!

Eleni Konstantine said...

Good going with the wordcount. and LOL Re your mum reading it.

Mel Teshco said...

that was a bit of a blush moment =))

What I'm working on now...

She’s barely scraping by. His affluence is all an act. Rhonda is just barely holding it together. Her bills are piling up and with her you...