Sunday, March 20, 2011

Reading Rewards

I've been so focused on my writing and getting the things done around the house and with my children, I've realized I have spent very little time reading! Like watching a great movie, reading a great book stimulates the imagination, fires creativity and shifts the brain into another gear. And with summer over and the cold just around the corner, visions of a warm fireplace, snuggled up with a cat or two on one side, husband on the other -- and catching up on some of my books feels almost unattainable, like a kid with their nose pressed against the glass bookshop window! Well not quite, but a great visual (g)

Some books I really want to read:

Lover Unleashed (Black Dagger Brotherhood book 9) by J R Ward
Crave (Fallen Angels book 2) by J R Ward
An Unforgettable Lady by J R Ward/Jessica Bird
The Vampire Queen's Servant (Vampire Queen #1) by Joey W. Hill


Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

I tend not to read while I'm writing a manuscript. When I'm not, I reward myself as well. Books, glorious books. lol. :)

Mel Teshco said...

Writing can be all consuming, can't it? Lucky we love what we do! =)

New Release! Reformed!

  Due to me misjudging time zones and being a handful of minutes too late to upload Reformed to Amazon, my readers with pre-orders of Reform...