Monday, May 16, 2011

Moon Thrall

I was lucky enough to get another nice reveiw (and 4 hoots) for Moon Thrall today, this one from Rebecca of Nocturne Romance Reads

This is her review:
At the start of Moon Thrall, I didn’t like Elyse’s character.  She was weak, and way too cautious, but after reading more, all that faded away.  Anyone would have acted the way Elyse had if they had been trapped under Caleb Marsden, Elyse’s ex-fiancĂ©, for the past five years.

Once Elyse changes into a werewolf for the first time, and meets Dane, there is no slowing this book down.  I was amazed by Elyse’s transition, how she gave herself over to her animal instincts emotionally, physically, mentally, and sexually.  Moon Thrall is a fun ride through the Australian Outback you will not soon forget.


Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Congratulations Mel. You must be smiling on all the great feedback you are receiving.
All the best,
Suz :)

Mel Teshco said...

Hi Suzanne,

yes it makes all the hard work feel even more worthwhile =)

Kylie Griffin said...

No-ice, very noice! :-)

Mel Teshco said...

Kylie LOL!!! I'm thinking No - Ice, what does she mean (don't worry, only scratched my head for a couple of seconds!) And itw as very nice of Rebecca =)

Kylie Griffin said...

My bad attempt at a NY accent - sorry! Just doesn't translate to the written word very well. LOL :-P

Mel Teshco said...

No I was just a bit slow off the mark LOL!!

What I'm working on now...

She’s barely scraping by. His affluence is all an act. Rhonda is just barely holding it together. Her bills are piling up and with her you...