Friday, May 6, 2011

My daughter: the budding photographer.

A few posts back I mentioned Miss 13 (going on 21) - was on the lookout for a camera. Well she has one now, here are a few of her shots taken at home/paddock, of our animals and in the car. 
1: Bullseye in paddock (Miss 21's horse)
2: Fishpond hubby made for me (note gargoyle and dragon fountain)
3: gumtree in front yard
4: Storm rolling in, taken from car
5: Little Foot (Miss Four's pony)
6: Bundy
7: Yammie
8: Resident Kookaburra
9: Ginny
10: Sexy Pepsi (Miss 13's horse)
11: Our dam (great for filling up pool)
12: Sexy Pepsi in panorama shot (3in1)



Rachael Johns said...

WOW that's dedication and awesomeness for 13! Hope she keeps at it. :)

Mel Teshco said...

Hi Rachael!

Yes, she's pretty dedicated for her age - the photos actually lost a lot of their visual impact on the blog, not sure why =(

Kylie Griffin said...

I don't agree with you, Mel. These shots still hold a lot of impact (but then I'm a keen photographer myself).

Your daughter has a great eye for composition, rule of thirds and angles.

Take for example her first shot. Rule of thirds - the bottom third is grass, the middle third is horse, the top third is the tree.

The angle is pretty straight on but look at the way she's kept the wisps of grass between the lens and the subject.

And as for composition, the horse is in the center of the picture - it draws the eye right from the first time you look at it.

One thing I learn from a mentor in the photography club I was a part of - always check what's actually in your frame, not what you think is in it, ie. look for garden hoses, clothesline, powerlines and other distracting things you DON'T want in the photo sticking out of your subject's head or other parts.

With a digital camera your daughter should also be able to experiment with black & white, and then the fun part there is to look for textures and line rather than colour.

Mel Teshco said...

Hey Kylie,

thanks for the insight =)

She does seem to have an eye for it, and she loves fiddling with the photos on her laptop, some of the stuff she's done is brilliant (and I'll probably use some of it for my next book trailer)

What I'm working on now...

She’s barely scraping by. His affluence is all an act. Rhonda is just barely holding it together. Her bills are piling up and with her you...