Thursday, June 16, 2011

Galactic Burn - COVER!!!

I had to share this amazing cover - totally not what I asked for, but totally HOT!! I'm pretty pleased with it, and think it ah, captures the three heroes rather well (g)
I haven't got word of a release day yet, but should know in the next few days =))))


Ju Dimello said...

oh! oh! oh!!!

Wow Mel ! No other words for it :)

Congrats for the uber-fantastic cover ;)

Mel Teshco said...

Thanks Ju!

And yes - wow! I've been blessed again =)

Rachael Johns said...

That is ONE HOT cover!! I'm curious though... what did you ask for!?

Mel Teshco said...

Hi Rachael!

I pretty much asked for the visual of the opening scene - picture her crouched in terror at a spaceship above, wind swirling etc. But yes, not great imagery for an erotic cover.

Christina Phillips said...

Congrats, Mel! That is one hot cover - and three heroes! *fans self*

Mel Teshco said...

Hi Christina!

Yes, three BWG - have to try it once, right?? LOL

Eleni Konstantine said...

Wow, three heroes. I have to check that out! Congrats on the cover, Mel!

Savanna Kougar said...

Those three heroes could make me galactically burn! Congrats on a fabulous cover.

Mel Teshco said...

Hey thanks Savanna! =)

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