Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Party and PRIZES!!!!

Yes, Halloween is upon us at the Darksiders blog where we're also celebrating our 1st anniversary  and giving away a stack of prizes! Come say hello to be in the running for three lots of multi-book giveaways!

And here is the fabulous trailer Eleni (Helzkat designs) has done to showcase all the prizes on offer

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Guest Blogging at Kylie Griffin's

I'm over at the lovely Kylie Griffin's blog  with an excerpt from Identity Shift  and a little Q&A about the book. I'm also giving away my three e-book series, Winged & Dangerous. Hope to see you there! =))

Friday, October 28, 2011

Red-Hot Lover

YAY!!!! It's release day for Red-Hot Lover. It's book 3 of my gargoyle series but it's also a standalone book. Here's the blurb:

A hot-blooded gargoyle, Zahlee knows that Steele, her gargoyle lover and leader of the Triskellon clan, is her perfect match in every way. But she burns for just one more touch from Saul, the human lover she left behind so many years ago. The same human she entrusted to raise and care for her son, Pascal—to keep him safe from the dangers of the gargoyle lifestyle.

Steele banishes Zahlee from the Triskellon clan and forces her to return to Saul and extinguish all yearning for her mortal ex. She quickly discovers a renewed lust for the only man she has ever loved. Their chemistry cannot be denied and combusts into a raging wildfire she never wants to end.

Zahlee yearns for happiness with her son and her human lover. A gargoyle must sacrifice much to live in the human world, but she is willing to give all for their love.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Galactic Burn - review

As some of you might know, Galactic Burn - the first book of my Alien Hunger series, has been getting *very* mixed reviews. Some hate it enough to give it a 1 star, others apparently love it (thank you to those readers!!! lol) So I was relieved to say the least, with this one's first review (4 stars) 


Reviewed by: Emma

Lillian has no idea who she is. After waking up in the woods, she finds that she can't remember anything about herself but she does know an alien when she sees one. Actually, a gorgeous hunk of alien with the promise of two more who will join him. A virus has killed all of the males and most of the females on Earth. An alien civilization was also decimated by the same virus but only the men survived on that planet. Dar, Ezra and Maddox are the only surviving royals from their world. They have found their mate in Lillian. However, just as they bond, Lillian's returning memories may destroy their love before it truly begins.
This story is one sexy romp from start to finish. The plot is a bit far-fetched but you really don't care as the sex scenes burn up the pages. It's easy to submerse yourself in the sensual aura. Each of the three men approaches Lillian differently. The author is really writing three different love stories and that makes for very interesting reading. I thought the story ended rather abruptly and I would really like to know what happens next. I sure would welcome another story or two based in this world. If you're looking for something erotic and steamy, then I suggest you give this one a try.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Talking 'Australia' at Rosalie's

I'm over at Rosalie Lario's blog today, talking about my fascination about Australia and a brief look at some of its dangerous creatures - and of course I slipped in the part about my self published release Identity Shift
Come visit and tell me your fav Aussie creature and follow my blog for a chance to win all three of the Winged & Dangerous series - Stone-Cold Lover, Ice-Cold Lover, Red-Hot Lover.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween party!! LOADS of prizes!!!!

The Darksiders are putting on a Halloween party to coincide with their 1st year together. And some amazingly scary prizes!! All you have to do is come along and make a comment on the day for a chance to win! Below are the prizes (taken from the DarkSide DownUnder blog)

  • A copy of Rogue Gadda AND a t-shirt by Nicole Murphy
  • A copy of Captive AND a bookmark by Christina Phillips 
  • Either a print copy of The Goblin King or an e-copy from backlist by Shona Husk
  • Love Bites Anthology volumes 2 AND 3 featuring Alexis Fleming
  • How Do I Love Thee? edited by Valerie Parv (featuring Alexis Fleming)
  • Emerald Ice by Alexis Fleming
  • Scent of A Man (ebook) by Maree Anderson
  • Vengeance Born tote bag from Kylie Griffin 
  • A choice of one ebook by  Cathleen Ross
  • A copy of the King Rolen's Kin Trilogy by Rowena Cory Daniells
  • Allegra Fairweather: Paranormal Investigator AND South of Salem (ebooks) by Janni Nell
  • Darkness Rising AND Darkness Unbound by Keri Arthur
  • Death’s Sweet Embrace by Tracey O’Hara
  • Winged and Dangerous series (three e-books) by Mel Teshco
  • A Song and Fire and Ice calendar from Eleni Konstantine

Runner ups....

Heart & Craft includes chapters by Alexis Fleming and Kelly Ethan
The Crystal Warrior by Maree Anderson
Guilty as Sin by Denise Rossetti
Project Man by Alexis Fleming
A bookmark from Christina Phillips
Who's Your Daddy? anthology featuring Alexis Fleming

Heart & Craft includes chapters by Alexis Fleming and Kelly Ethan
Poisoned Kiss AND Blood Cursed by Erica Hayes.
Passionate Peridot anthology featuring Alexis Fleming
A bookmark from Christina Phillips
Three Wishes (ebook) by Jenny Schwartz


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Goodbye to my CATegory friends...

I'm over at the Lovecats saying a sad farewell to them and their blog, I'm really going to miss being a part of their wonderful team. Each one of them are amazing authors, but yes, I'm veering away from category romance at this point and focusing on erotica =)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Sidhe Princess, cover and excerpt!

I was totally caught by this amazing cover, particularly on discovering THE SIDHE PRINCESS, a 14k contemporary paranormal by Loucinda McGary, is a self-published prequel to her published novel THE WILD SIGHT. (Yes, I have a thing for the covers of self-published books at the moment *g*)
I have yet to read this story, which is drawn from Irish folklore and mythology - but it sounds fascinating! 
 Oh, I can see I'm going to love my new Kindle!! =))

The Sidhe Princess is available now at:



This hadn’t been Moira’s first stay in the sanitarium. No, that had happened over three years ago, the spring before she’d turned thirteen, and that time had been far worse. The visions or hallucinations or whatever they were had never happened to her before. At least not with such intensity, and telling the truth was never going to set her free of the horrid place.
Fee had been the one to tell her that revelation, and advise her to hide pills under her tongue and spit them out later. Just as Fee had been the only one who believed the creatures Moira saw and heard were real, not some sickness in her mind.   
This go round, Moira had been far wiser to the doctors and nurses and their ways, and she’d only been forced to stay three months. The fact that her sister had visited almost every Sunday afternoon, her day off, helped too.
But Fee was gone now, far away across the pond in the city of Philadelphia, and Moira was back in County Armagh on the old homestead – the place of her torment. As she emptied her battered old satchel and put her few things away in the single bureau, she gazed out the only small window in the attic room.
Outside beyond the ragged edge of the back yard and the weed choked meadow lay the misty expanse of the fens. The thickly overgrown brush and gnarled trees that obscured the shores of Lough Neagh seemed to beckon to her, at the same time enticing and sinister. People in the village whispered tales about the fens, of strange goings on and how some folks who went in never came out.
How many times had Mum told her and Fee that the fens were dangerous? That they shouldn’t play there? But of course they did anyway. And when she was thirteen, Moira discovered the creatures from another realm lived there. Strange, beautiful and wild beings that appeared for her alone. Her mistake had been talking about them.
She knew it would only be a matter of time before she succumbed to their siren call, and the madness that awaited her within them would send her back to the hated, sterile confines of the sanitarium.
Nine days later, she first saw the new apparition. Mum and Da went off on their usual Saturday shopping expedition, and Moira elected to stay home alone.
Though Mum looked worried, Da actually took Moira’s side. “She’s not a wee lass any more, Mary,” he scolded. “You don’t need her right by your side every waking moment.”
He’d given Moira a wink behind her mother’s back when they climbed into the ancient farm truck that was their only means of transportation. With hearty calls of “Be home for tea!” they rumbled off in a cloud of dust.
The day was far too fine to stay inside ironing, so a couple of hours later, Moira slipped her little yellow transistor radio into her apron pocket and went outside to simply enjoy the sweet autumn sunshine. Even if she felt relief at coming and going as she pleased, she did feel oddly alone after the constant voices and presence of the staff and patients in the sanitarium. Not that she missed the place, far from it!
She missed her sister.
On the radio, the Beatles crooned about “…please me like I please you…” and she sang along. But by the end of the song, the signal was fading. She turned the radio off and wished she’d asked Mum to pick up new batteries while she and Da were out.
As she slid the radio back into her pocket, her fingers brushed over Fiona’s letter. Moira had already read it more than once. In fact, she’d given Mum her reply to mail in the village today. But she walked over to the stump at the edge of the yard to read the letter yet another time.
Something about the letter wasn’t right. It wasn’t so much the things Fee wrote, but more like what she hadn’t. Moira couldn’t shake an uneasy feeling that not all was well. However, she also knew Fee wouldn’t say anything for fear of worrying Mum and Da.
The thin onion-skin paper rattled like the waxy stuff wrapped around the fancy scones that came from the village bakery. Moira smoothed the folded sheets across her lap and read Fee’s sprawling script, heard her voice in the written words as she described the crazy city traffic all going in the wrong direction. The Richardsons had a brand new Lincoln Town Car and Mrs. Richardson intended to buy herself a car too, as soon as she found one to her liking.
Moira closed her eyes and imagined what it must be like to be so rich you owned two new cars and a fine house so big that your three children each had a bedroom and the nanny had one too. While she pictured the lovely wall-papered room Fee had described, the sound of childish laughter invaded Moira’s daydream. Her eyes popped open and she scanned the brushy border of the fens, catching a glimpse of a white figure.
“Who’s there?” Moira cried, shoving the letter back into her pocket and jumping to her feet.
The fens could be a dangerous place for a child, full of boggy spots and stickery piles of brambles, as Mum had never failed to tell her. But as Moira crossed the over-grown expanse of the meadow and drew closer to the fens, she heard the giggling again. A scrap of doubt tugged at her mind, making her hesitate. Something about the sound wasn’t childish. Or even human.
While she paused, the being came into view. Small as a child of nine or ten and clad in a long gown of gauzy white, the girl’s golden hair streamed behind her, strands of it braided around bird feathers or woven into bits of metal or bright colored beads. Her skin was almost the same shade as her hair, like rich honey, and when she stopped to regard Moira, her dark eyes shone with the same flecks of gold.
One of the fae, Moira guessed, and the most exquisite wee thing she’d ever seen.
“You can see me as well as hear me, can you not?” asked the small woman. The proud way she stood and the commanding tone she used were not the least bit childlike.
Moira nodded mutely and twisted her hands into her apron. ‘Twas not the first time she’d seen and even spoken to other-worldly creatures, though never before had one been so bold in approaching her. Nor so beautiful.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Halloween Giveaways at the Darksiders!!!

Mark your diaries for this years Halloween celebration over at the Darksiders blog! There's lots of giveaways including Dark Angels book 1 & 2 by Keri Arthur, Kin Rolen's Kin trilogy by Rowena Corey Daniells and many many more including my gargoyle series. I can't wait, it's going to be a fantastic party!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Red-Hot Lover, release date!!

Red-Hot Lover the third book in my Winged & Dangerous series, is coming out October 28! 


A hot-blooded gargoyle, Zahlee knows that Steele, her gargoyle lover and leader of the Triskellon clan, is her perfect match in every way. But she burns for just one more touch from Saul, the human lover she left behind so many years ago. The same human she entrusted to raise and care for her son, Pascal—to keep him safe from the dangers of the gargoyle lifestyle.

Steele banishes Zahlee from the Triskellon clan and forces her to return to Saul and extinguish all yearning for her mortal ex. She quickly discovers a renewed lust for the only man she has ever loved. Their chemistry cannot be denied and combusts into a raging wildfire she never wants to end.

Zahlee yearns for happiness with her son and her human lover. A gargoyle must sacrifice much to live in the human world, but she is willing to give all for their love.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Movie of the Month...

I'm not a huge Robert Pattinson fan - or Reese Witherspoon for that matter, but somehow these two really gelled in this movie WATER FOR ELEPHANTS and seemed a perfect fit for their parts. Totally adored the majestic elephant and its role in the movie - it was all too easy to get caught up in the drama of the story and feel a hatred for the circus owner and his treatment of his animals (grrrrr!!)
Probably one of those dvd's you have to be in the right mood to watch, but one I definitely recommend =)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Diamonds are Forever

"Diamonds Are Forever" is the gorgeous logo for next year's Romance Writers of Australia conference held at the QT Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise, 16th-19th August. This stunning logo was created by cover and banner design artist Helen at HelzKat designs. The very talented Helen also designed the fabulous cover for Identity Shift. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Naughty Nooners

Well I've finally got myself an e-reader - a kindle to be precise! And now I'm having lots of fun uploading all the free EC reads, or Naughty Nooners. What a great way to discover new authors and even better - what great 'research'. 
Has anyone discovered any great authors/reads lately I might like to take a look at - any excuse is a good one now to read on my kindle =)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Forbidden Bookshelf - and new EC author Ju Dimello!!

I'm over at The Forbidden Bookshelf blog today (don't you love that name!!) I'm talking about my shape-shifter novella, Identity Shift. Come and make a comment for a chance to win a copy of my gargoyle book, Stone-Cold Lover =)

I also want to give a shout out to Ju Dimello, who is a newly contracted author with Ellora's Cave. ***well done Ju!!!*** 

I can't wait to read her story!

FREE ebook boxset: Taken by the Sheikh

  For a few short days our three book boxset, Taken by the Sheikh, is FREE on Amazon! Perfect for those of you not in Kindle Unlimited! FREE...