I'm taking part in a writing chain that is leaping
from one writer's blog to another. Very Cool! I was asked by the fabulously
talented S.E Gilchrist to take part next. I met S.E through an anthology idea
that blossomed into short stories through Momentum's Hot Down Under line. Since
then S.E has written books in sci-fi, fantasy, contemporary and everything in
between. You can find her here:
What am I
working on now:
I'm finishing off my contemporary single title
(with romantic and fantasy elements) and hope to either gain an agent for it or
sub it to a publisher very soon. Aside from that, waiting for edits on 3
different ms'.
How does
my work differ from others of its genre?
I find that my erotic works aren't all about the
sex, I plot a lot of action and drama amongst the emotional and physical
aspects.I also like to create worlds (like my dystopian and alien worlds) that
are different from anything I've read.
Why do I
write what I do?
Because if I couldn't write what interested me I
wouldn't write at all. I love to explore different genres, heat levels and
characters. It's why I've written contemporary, sci-fi, paranormal and even
inspirational. If I wrote one type of genre or heat level all the time I'd get bored and that wouldn't
be good for me or my readers lol
How does
my writing process work?
I get up, check social media between emails, then I
do a bit of housework and eat brekky etc. After that I write when I can and
everything else revolves around it - except on school holidays, then things
change up a bit LOL. But I write something everyday, even if its only a couple
of hundred words and on a scrap of paper. Also if my muse is being ignorant I
know it's time to give my current ms a rest and work on something else. I
almost always have at least three manuscripts on the go at once, with a handful
more waiting their turn.
Next Week!
Shona Husk
Four time ARRA finalist Shona Husk lives in Western
Australia at the edge of the Indian Ocean. Blessed with a lively imagination
she spent most of her childhood making up stories. As an adult she discovered
romance novels and hasn’t looked back. Drawing on history and myth, she writes
about heroes who are armed and dangerous but have a heart of gold—sometimes
With stories ranging from sensual to scorching, she
is published with Carina Press, Ellora’s Cave, Samhain Publishing and
Sourcebooks. You can find out more at
Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/lySiD
Cate Ellink
Cate Ellink became intrigued by the erotic when her
grandfather used to pass books to her father saying, “Don’t let the girls read
page X.” Although her mother and sisters never bothered to chase those pages,
Cate always did. Invariably, her imagination was better than what she read.
While pursuing a career in science, Cate amused
herself by writing about ordinary events and giving them an erotic twist. It’s
taken more than a few years to bravely expose her mind to the public. While the
events in her stories may have occurred, it’s highly likely that her
imagination is far more exciting than the reality.
Cate lives near the beach in NSW with a
long-suffering husband.
Find her on:
Facebook person (www.facebook.com/cate.ellink)
Facebook author page (www.facebook.com/CateEllinkAuthor)
Website (www.cateellink.com)
Email (cate@cateellink.com)
Twitter (@CateEllink)
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