Thursday, April 29, 2021

Where I'm at...

Just a quick update to let you guys know where I'm at. I'm back to book 6 of The Virgin Hunt Games and loving my cyborg hero! I sure hope you will too. He's a bit darker with some more baggage, but I'm loving him and his backstory. The heroine is battling with her conscience - but I won't say why haha. No spoilers here.

I've also been writing scrips for Chapter Shorts. They are so much fun, keep an eye out for my first one to be released soonish!! (no set date as yet). I'm halfway through my second script about rival mafias. I have the BEST job :)

I also intend to finish my fourth Alien Hunger book, Galactic Blaze, and release it later this year (no pressure haha). I should have it up for pre-order once I know the date it will be finished. I have the cover and can't wait to show it off :)

In the meantime... back to writing and dreaming up stories.  Happy reading and anything else you love doing. 

PS - I will be back again soon for a boxset I'm releasing with wonderful writing buddies, Christina Phillips and Cathleen Ross. Whose up for swoon worthy Firefighter heroes? Mmm. Count me in haha!!!

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New Release! Reformed!

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