Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ice Cold Lover - done!!!!

I am so pleased and so very relieved to send this novella off to my editor tonight - well morning - it's almost 1.00am here. It's been a tough one to get right, but I'm really happy I perservered with Ice Cold Lover and got it where I wanted it to be - eventually! I can only hope the fans of Stone-Cold Lover will be happy with this one too... time will tell!


Laurann Dohner said...

Oh Mel.... HAPPY DANCE!!! WHOOO HOOOO!!! Congrats!!!

Becca said...

YAY - hope you get some sleep!

Mel Teshco said...

Thanks Laurann and Becca!
Sleep... what is that?? lol

Andrea said...

Well done, Mel.
I'm sure it'll be received just as well as the first was.

Rachael Johns said...

Oh yay! Well done you!! Can't even imagine working at 1am - you are AMAZING!!!

Mel Teshco said...

Hey Andrea!
thanks for dropping by!
Rachael - don't get too carried away!! LOL! I'm anything but amazing =)

Eleni Konstantine said...

Huzzah!!! Well done Mel.

Christina Phillips said...

Oh yippeee!!! Well done for finishing that baby off!!! (I'm still battling through the cobwebs, lol!)

Mel Teshco said...

Thanks Eleni!
And Christina, get that cobweb broom! (g)

What I'm working on now...

She’s barely scraping by. His affluence is all an act. Rhonda is just barely holding it together. Her bills are piling up and with her you...