Monday, April 4, 2011

Top Pick Review

Ecstatic to get another review and a top pick from Night Owl Reviews! Thanks Angibabi4 for enjoying  MOON THRALL =)

Here is what she had to say: 

I never expected to get so much enjoyment out of a short story, but this one was great. I had a fun romp in Australia with Elyse and Dane.
Elyse leaves behind an abusive relationship by escaping to a rustic cabin in the wilds of Australia.
Once there she makes a journey of self-discovery, love, and inner strength. Dane has waited for her his whole life. Elyse comes to him with a passion and love that he never thought he would find. During her journey of self-discovery, Elyse becomes his perfect mate in every way.


Kylie Griffin said...

Mel, MOON THRALL is on a roll! Congrats!

Mel Teshco said...

Thanks so much Kylie, hope they keep coming! =)

Christina Phillips said...

Congratulations on the Top Pick for MOON THRALL, Mel!!

Mel Teshco said...

Thanks so much Christina - and ditto to you too! =))

New Release! Reformed!

  Due to me misjudging time zones and being a handful of minutes too late to upload Reformed to Amazon, my readers with pre-orders of Reform...