Monday, August 22, 2011

Book Glut

Okay, yes I'm having a bit of a book glut - but it's my birthday soon and I'm buying some books dammit!!
I've decided to do a catch up on one of my favourite authors J.R. Ward, and though The Black Dagger Brotherhood is by far my fav series, I still want to read the Fallen Angels series - and check out her other pseudonym too (Jessica Bird) which I've been meaning to do for ages... And just so it's not a complete J.R Ward blitz, I grabbed a Kresley Cole novel too.  

Got to love the free postage of The Book Depository...all these books for under 50 Aus dollars.

A Hunger Like No Other: Kresley Cole
An Unforgettable Lady: JessicaBird
Lover Mine: JR Ward
Crave: JR Ward
An Irresistible Bachelor: JR Ward
Envy: JR Ward
Lover Unleashed: JR Ward


Rachael Johns said...

I had a book splurge yesterday myself... unfortunately I didn't have the excuse of it being my birthday soon :)

Mel Teshco said...

LOL - let's face it Rach, any excuse is a good one! BWG

Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Happy Birthday soon Mel. :) I bought a novel during the last two days, but I'm supposed to be writing not reading at present. lol.. Or should I say plotting. :) I'm trying to avoid the book splurge at present.

Happy Birthday.....:) Getting in early here. :)

Mel Teshco said...

Hi Suz,

thanks for the birthday wishes! I hope you find time to read your book along with your plotting! =)

colleen m said...

And you picked wonderful books! It is almost my birthday, too and I am doing the same lol.

Happy Birthday!

What I'm working on now...

She’s barely scraping by. His affluence is all an act. Rhonda is just barely holding it together. Her bills are piling up and with her you...