Friday, January 25, 2013

upcoming and update!

public domain
While I'm looking forward to seeing my 3rd Alien Hunger book come out, My call girl story, Enraptured, has been accepted by Ellora's Cave. If you love Pretty Woman I'm hoping you'll love this story too. What's not to love about a man who'd climb walls to get the woman he wants? *smiles*

Right now though I'm working hard on getting Shadow Hunter right, a very old ms that really gave me a heads up about what direction I wanted my writing to go (paranormal). It won/finalled in some writing awards but it's not quite up to publishable yet. I hope to send it off in the next few days though =))

After that I have book 2 in my new series to take care of, need to get my act together as I've done 5k on it so far LOL! And a new book I shouldn't have started has also got my attention. But I've discovered (only taken my 10 years) that my brain needs to jump from one ms to the other or I start fluffing around too much and getting nowhere.

Hope everyone else has a productive January, no matter what it is you're doing =))

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Free Reads!

We all love genie stories, right? Not to mention rock stars!? Tracey O'hara is part of the Hot Down Under collection, fourteen HOT stories set in Australia. Her very cool story The Final Wish is now FREE for a limited time. I know you will enjoy it!

And don't forget about Kylie's briliant zombie romance, Room with a View, it's also FREE. 

When you're finished, don't despair! Look into the other Hot Down Under stories. My short story, Beneath the Light of a Silver Moon, is one of the collection, and at little more than a dollar, they're a great, inexpensive way to satisfy your reading craving. I'm certain they will all make your toes curl with pleasure! *wink*  =))

Monday, January 21, 2013

Release Date & Blurb!

I'm so pleased to announce that Galactic Flame will be released February 20th. Though part of a series, it's a standalone read, so it's not imperative to read them all (but hey, why not!? lol!) 

Book 3 in the Alien Hunger series.

Eden isn’t meant to be the alien prince’s intended lifemate, it’s her sister who is the one promised to him. But when Genesis comes to Earth and mistakenly believes Eden is his mate, she knows it’s the perfect opportunity to play the role her sister never wanted.

But Genesis’ alien province is barren, red and isolated. It’s only when Eden steps into the magnificent alien’s arms and is taught unimaginable carnal pleasures that she begins to wonder if she hasn’t filched the most priceless prize of all.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Galactic Flame, cover!

I had hoped to post this when my blurb was official but stuff it, couldn't wait! LOL! This cover is my definite favorite so far. The art dept. added the series name to it, so it's slightly adjusted to the original cover. I'm hoping it will release in February or March, fingers crossed!

And another big THANK YOU to those lovely readers who voted for Galactic Inferno as best erotic read and Lusting the Enemy for best cover. You guys rock!!! Being in the final is a huge honor. Having said that...there's still time to vote for me to win (I can dream, right!?) if you're so inclined =))

Can't believe January is half done already! But the year has started off very nicely. Now I just have a house to sell! LOL

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Thanks to everyone who commented on Marianne Theresa's blog post! The winner of the hand painted ceramic coaster and FIVE HDU ebooks is Deborah Challinor. Congrats! That's a great prize =)

And the winner of Hidden Passions is Suzanne Brandyn! Congrats Suz, I know you'll enjoy the read =))

Please contact Marianne to claim your prize/s:
marianne theresa 1 @ gmail dot com (without the spaces)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hidden Passions!

I'm delighted to bring Marianne Theresa to my blog today! She's part of the Hot Down Under collection of shorts, the latest of which have just recently been released! She's got a pretty sexy favorite paragraph *blushes* and is offering some AWESOME prizes!!! (see below).

And I have to say I LOVE that cover!!!!

So...take it away Marianne!

Five words that most fit you, the author?

OCD, (although that’s 3) Creative, Loyal, Enthusiastic, Nail-biter

The idea behind your Momentum Story?

Hidden Passions was a fun story of passion’s pain & delight that just arrived one day and I wrote it.

Fav Paragraph from the story? 

There are at least half-a-dozen but this one is right up there! J

Cally lay there, eyes closed. The cool water sluiced down the city gutter, bombarded her outstretched arm as it detoured along and over her fingers to flow back along the side of her face.Blast, it was filling her ear-hole. Bit late for an umbrella, she was already soaked to the skin. And what was that god-awful smell?
Storm drain. Ugggh. She lay face down, her nose hovering over the edge of an open metal grate, while chaos reigned around her. She was cold, there were loud voices, too many voices, and then damn, someone tweaked her ear.
“Miss, miss, can you hear me?”
Not if you rip my ear off.
“Anyone know CPR?” There were some deep mumbles. “Careful, there’s glass everywhere.”
“Lord, she reeks of it, doesn’t she?”
I’m not drunk, you idiots.
Another pinch to her ear was extra sharp and a deep voice shouted, “Miss, are you all right?”
Oh for crying out loud, what’s with the ear-pulling? Go away! Look, I’ll move a finger. Happy?
“Yeah, she’s alive. She just moved.”

(okay so that's longer than a paragraph, but we'll forgive you! LOL)

The Hero makes you want to …. ?

Eat him up and keep him.

Will there be more from these characters or this world?

No, Hidden Passions was only ever meant to be a one off Short Contemporary Romance Story J

Thanks for hosting me here today Mel.

And I have 2 prizes to give away and I’ve asked our Lovely Hostess Mel, to choose 2 lucky guests with creative answers to the following …. Just share the strangest thing that has happened to you in a relationship, be it a break-up, make-up or Toss out!
Be creative, go wild ... :)
Leave your name & contact details to WIN!

1st prize …..  is a small gift pack consisting of a hand-painted ceramic coaster - by Aussie Artist Maryde and a Free set of the 5 new January Hot-DownUnder Releases. Which of course includes Hidden Passions.

2nd Prize  ….. is a free copy of my short story, Hidden Passions

Good Luck!

Thanks so much Marianne! And if one book isn't enough to whet your appetite, please check out the Hot Down Under blog, some brilliant stories to add to the collection! =))

Thursday, January 10, 2013

ARRA Finalist!!!

Thanks so much to ARRA (Australian Romance Readers) members for nominating me as a 2012  finalist in Favourite Erotic Romance for Galactic Inferno. I am stoked!!  Book 3 is soon to be released, I only hope you all like it as much as book 2 =))

Also, Lusting the Enemy is nominated for best cover of 2012. Woohoo!!!

And so many of my writing buddies have been nominated too, you can find them at the ARRA site. Congrats!!!!

And cheers to a great 2013 =))

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

J.R Ward and Cornelia Amiri

Okay I just had to post this, thanks so much to C.T Green for giving me the heads up about my cover being is such esteemed company - I mean, J.R Ward!!!!! I have to admit it's a pretty cool cover, whichever one you look at. Whatever, I'll share the limelight quite willingly LOL!!

And don't they look pretty together BWG!!

And thanks to Anna Hackett for mentioning Yolanda Sfetsos' cover, Clash, which I've added above. Wow, this cover guy sure gets around!!! LOL.

While I'm here...Here's the blurb to Lusting the Enemy.

Akeisha is on a mission to be chosen as part of a harem for the desert king, Judas. She’ll use her body to entice and beguile, do anything it takes to save the near-extinct larakytes, her shape-shifting silver panther tribe, from Judas’ human subjects, who are trying to eradicate them.

She never expects to succumb to the wild ecstasy in his arms, a pleasure that threatens to expose her inner cat even as it transcends anything she’s ever felt from one of her own kind.
Falling in love with a human enemy was never part of the plan, but maybe there’s more to Judas than meets the eye.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Down Under Divas and Giveaway!!!

I'm over at the Down Under Divas blog today, as part of their Aussie showcase. I'm also offering a giveaway of my latest release, Lusting the Enemy, to one commentator.

Would love to see you there! =))

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Identity Shift

For those who have noticed Identity Shift has been pulled from Amazon, well you're right! LOL. Identity Shift will also be taken down from Barnes and Noble etc shortly too as the word count is a little over my contract obligations with Ellora's Cave. indie book will have some rewrites and hopefully be republished under a different title with my publisher. But keep an eye open for the cover - I'll be writing a different short story (shape shifter) and self publishing it for 99c or thereabouts. Perhaps I'll even write some shorts in a series...

If you'd like to read Identity Shift before it's taken down (it's had some fantastic reviews!) you can still find it at Sony and Barnes & Noble.

See you again soon! =)))

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

YAY for 2013!!!!!!

I'm excited for the next twelve months, with lots of personal as well as writing goals planned, which will hopefully pan out *smiles*

Our house is on the market and I'm beyond ready to move to where my husband is already located further North, working. I've got land up there already picked out LOL and we're hoping to build. Guess only time will tell if that works out or not.

Was thrilled to see the cover of Lusting the Enemy on the USA Today blog, thanks to my CP Alissa Callen for pointing that one out =))

This month will no doubt fly by, but I'm planning to add another 10k on Dimensional, do my Galactic Flame edits and then start on book 2 of my new shape shifter series (unofficially named at this stage).

Whatever you guys are doing, I hope your plans all pan out too and you have a brilliant 2013 =))

FREE ebook boxset: Taken by the Sheikh

  For a few short days our three book boxset, Taken by the Sheikh, is FREE on Amazon! Perfect for those of you not in Kindle Unlimited! FREE...