Naughty Ninjas.net sneaks up on you...nicely.
We're six naughy authors...
With sneaky ninja powers...(Chuck Norris can deny paternity all he wants, but out mad ninja skills speak for themselves.)
Who've started a website...
And we're on a mission to bring you the lurrrve.

Want to hear some opinions about the pressing issues facing the world? You know, the important ones, like what to make of Fabio's new hairstyle or how dodgy dinosaur erotic truly is? We've got so many issues to wrestle with that our super ninja hideout is running out of room, so we've stored them all at Naughty Ninja Say.

Want to know about forthcoming releases? Check out Reading Ninjas where we salivate over what tickled out pleasure centres and glory in the naughty bits.
Love food? Really, really love food? Awesome! So do we! (See, we knew we'd all be friends.) Come with us for a walk around Eat Me, Our ninja pantry. It's packed with recipes for optimal ninja bowel health, awful aphrodisiacs, anatomical cakes, and all the best munchies excitingly shaped like genitalia. If you like a bit of plonk with your pudding, we even have a resident wine critic to give the stealthy lowdown.

Are you staying up at nights wondering what the difference
is between a snizz and a Ding Dong McDork? No fear! our Glorious Glossary of
Naughty Anatomy is here to rescue the day on a brilliant white charge with its
kilt flapping and pectorals glistening.

Are you a member of the Nerd Herd? We've got you covered.
(You can't see us though, we're sneaky.) Browse Grammar Ninja, Nerdy Ninja and
Ninjitsu - it's like ninja writing school...with rude bits. (Be prepared for
the odd discussion on the literary merits of hedgehog menage and porpoise snuff

And lets not forget the starfish gang-bang that is Ninja
Love, where dozens of guest ninjas and a score of interviewees mingle and

Sound amazing, awesome and hella sneaky to you? Fantastic!
Because we want to share the love with our Launch Competition where we're
offering a $60 Amazon gift voucher prize.
All you need to do to enter the draw is to sign up for the
weekly Ninja Newsletter (we promise on our ninja mothers' honor not to spam
you, and you can unsubscribe whenever you want) before 14 March.
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