Friday, November 30, 2012

Hot Down Under, December Style!

Happy Release Day December Hot Down Under girls!!!!
Some of you might have read the November releases from Momentum's Hot Down Under collection of shorts, which included my short story, Beneath the Light of a Silver Moon.
Well it's now release day for the December girls! Today I have a couple of them on my blog. They are very kindly giving away a copy of their release to one lucky person, so please be sure to comment. Just tell us what YOU love about reading a short story. For those who miss out, click on the title for the buy link, these shorts are a steal at just over a dollar =) 
Okay...take it away girls!

Rhian Cahill: Shut Up and Kiss Me
Five words that most fit you, the author?
Tired, insane, tired, crazy, did I mention tired? :)

The idea behind your Momentum story?
The idea? To raise the temperature no matter what time of year it is.

Fav paragraph from the story?
“You can’t answer the door dressed like that and not find yourself slammed
against the wall with my cock buried in your hot pussy.” He took a step towards
her. She gasped and took a step back. “You’ve had me grinding my teeth and
taking cold showers for years, Jac. No more.”

The heroine is someone you would like to…?
be because she gets to 'play' with Kyle. :)

The hero makes you want to…?
be the focus of his undivided attention.

Will there be more from these characters or this world?
No. Shut Up And Kiss Me is just a snippet of time and as we know they get their HEA there no need to go back.

S.E. Gilchrist: Paying the Forfeit

Five words that most fit you, the author?
Obsessed, Compulsive, Creative, Passionate and Doubt-filled

The idea behind your Momentum story?
Paying the Forfeit was written as a ‘intro’ to a current series I am working on...The world as we know it, is a distant memory in the minds of the elders. Endemic disease sparked by global weather disasters of epic proportions erupted into wards of nation against nation, neighbour against neighbour as entire economies collapsed and famine spread like a river in flood. Countries and cities became fortresses and mankind descended into a new dark age. This short story is about a young couple from two of the tribes that struggle for survival in this new time.

Fav paragraph from the story?
I pushed his hand away and tried to wriggle from his grip. This was not how I had imagined it, the scene that had unfolded endlessly in my dreams for so long: a green expanse of grassy meadow full of wildflowers, an endless blue vista above, a soft fur beneath and Doyle whispering words of love and worship before pressing his lips against mine in a gentle kiss. Not some cool, shadowed cave beneath the earth, not cold words of payment and dues owed, not his eager hands roving with such bold demand, not the heat that teased with such wild hunger beneath my skin. I was a fool to think I could pretend he loved me, that I was his chosen mate, even for one night.

The heroine is someone you would like to…?
Grant to her, her heart’s desire.

The hero makes you want to…?
Find the closest cave, complete with soft, thick animal furs and stay awhile J.

Will there be more from these characters or this world?
Definitely. Not so much from these characters but I have written  Beyond Aquarius, a single title set in this world and that story is meant to be the first of a three book series.

Thank you, Mel, for having me on your blog today and thanks to everyone who drops by and leaves a comment.
You're welcome! =)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Introducing... Alissa Callen

I'm so excited to announce my amazing critique partner of gosh, around 4 or 5 years now! has accepted publication with not one but two publishers!!! So happy for her! She's an amazing writer and a gorgous person inside and out. Seriously! :)

I can't out her on which publishers she's chosen at this time as it's all a bit hush hush until the media release here in Aus. But she writes rural fiction romance, so different to my style but we 'get' each others work =)

In the meantime, check out her gorgeous website and blog


Monday, November 26, 2012

Alternate or Dystopian World?

I'm talking alternate and dystopian worlds, plus more over at the Romance Writers of the Apocalypse.
You'll also find the opening of my upcoming release, Lusting the Enemy.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

November Update!

On the home front - we're selling our house and moving further North, where my husband has gotten a better job offer. YAY! I'm excited and a little nervous - I haven't moved in AGES - I've lived here for 13 years, which is the longest in one place I've ever been. But yes, I think staying too long in one place often = stagnating, so yeah, time to move on.

In the meantime I'm busy painting the inside of the house, which is all block and takes sooo long in comparison to gyprock, but it's looking so great and fresh. Sea Bubbles, is my color choice *g* Though now I'm wondering if I've bitten off more than I can handle LOL!! 

On the writing front, I have a new editor who I adore! She got Lusting the Enemy out way sooner than I expected - next month (Dec 19) and I'm now waiting for the acceptance (fingers crossed) and edits for Galactic Flame, which should hopefully come out early next year, Jan/Feb, all going well! This is my first novel length book with Ellora's Cave.

In the meantime I'm close to halfway done with my latest standalone novella, Call Girl. The title for this one may well change, just as Lusting the Enemy did three times. (Laraktye & NightMix). I'm totally into this story right now, love showing a call girl's story from a different perspective.

I'm also immersing myself back into Dimensional, really want to get this story done and out there, but it's pretty complicated and with every chapter down, I find myself thinking things through, making sure everything fits and makes sense. Might take me a while to get this one done. My finished word count should be around 90k.

Lastly, don't forget to purchase my short story with the long title: Beneath the Light of a Silver Moon published by Momentum. It's a steal at only 1.04 through Amazon. Oh and let me know what you think of it, the subject matter is a bit delicate, to put it mildly (domestic violence) but one I really wanted to get out there - let's face it, this stuff does happen, and all too often unfortunately. At least my heroine got  her HEA =))


Monday, November 19, 2012

Release Date & Blurb

The release date for my 26k novella, Lusting the Enemy, is December 19th.

It will be nice to see another story come out before the year ends. Next year I'm planning to have quite a few more stories out, as my youngest aka Miss Muffet/Miss five will be at school (where does the time go!?).

Here is the blurb:

Akeisha is on a mission to be chosen as part of a harem for the desert king, Judas. She’ll use her body as a tool to entice and beguile him, do anything it takes to save the near extinct larakytes, her shape-shifting, silver panther tribe, from his human subjects trying to eradicate them. 

What she never expects is to succumb to the wild ecstasy in his arms, a pleasure that threatens to expose her inner cat even as it transcends anything she’s ever felt from one of her own kind. 

Falling in love with a human enemy was never part of her plans, but maybe there’s more to Judas than meets the eye.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Cover Reveal: Lusting the Enemy

I'm so pleased with my latest cover from Ellora's Cave. Although my characters are shape shifters, Lusting the Enemy is my first story in EC's fantasy line, so it's something a bit different from me.
I'll post the official blurb and release date as soon as I hear =)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Another Fab Review

Thanks so much to The Smutty Kitty for a fabulous 4 out of 5 licks for Beneath the Light of a Silver Moon. Here's what she had to say:

This is a bit of a sad one.  Kristen is a victim of spousal abuse and doesn’t want to leave in order to protect her stepdaughter (whom she treats like her own).  Her daughter has run away seeking refuge from her volatile father, but until Kristen knows for sure she is safe she can’t leave.  Her childhood friend Conrad swoops in to take her away from her terrible life.  He brings her back to his house and wants her to stay forever, but will she?

I was able to get into this one surprisingly well.  I think knowing the characters had a history helped the believability aspect for me.  The sex it hot and at one point outside (hence the name-this is not a shifter romance lol).  I liked the end.  It was slightly predictable (but after reading romance as long as I have most endings are) but I like my endings happy and that’s what we are left with.  Conrad is almost too nice at times.  I know he is trying to be gentle with Kristen after what she has been through but I like my heroes a bit on the rougher side of life.  lol  Kristen is a strong heroine though and I really like that.  Especially after all she’s been through to see her choose happiness is nice

Monday, November 5, 2012


So the winners of the Darksiders BlogHop are Wanda, who won the first two books in my Alien Hunger series: Galactic Burn and Galactic Inferno.

Lona is my 'follower' winner, who chose a backlist book: Stone-Cold Lover.

Thanks so much ladies for participating in the BlogHop, hope you both enjoy the reads! =)


Thursday, November 1, 2012

First Review

So pleased with my very first review for my short story Beneath the Light of a Silver Moon, from Rosie at Fangbooks.
Here's what she had to say:

Now this was a story that inspired mixed feelings.  I always find it difficult to deal with issues of domestic violence because I find the entire situation so very sad for everyone involved.

With no apologies for the dark themes, Mel Teshco takes Kristen and Conrad and shows them how much better life can be. Ultimately the choice to turn her back on fear and embrace a new life is one Kristen needed to make for herself, but it was Conrad’s steadfast love that gave her the light of hope.  Their coming together was sizzling hot, but it was the emotional journey that really made me fall for these characters, and kept me thinking of how they would move forward once the story ended.

Thanks Rosie! This story pushed the boundaries, with domestic violence not an easy one to write, but the thing I love about romance writing, wether erotic or other, is the happily ever after - no matter how dark the storyline =)

You can find my review at the above link, along with the other four Hot Down Under book reviews, which were released this month (more great stories to come!)


Kristen Treymore isn’t living anymore – she’s existing.

Trapped in marriage to Jack, an alcoholic who uses his fists to communicate, Kristen has given up her freedom in an attempt to protect his daughter. When Conrad Doyle, childhood friend and the man whose heart she unwittingly broke, shows up on Kristen’s doorstep and offers her a lifeline, she can’t refuse.

What she never dreams possible is how much she still wants him—but is that enough to keep them together when terror still beats deep in her heart?

Darkside Downunder website/blog & my Magic Thursday post.

  I'm talking about my writing journey over at Darkside Downunder HERE. If you're looking for loads of amazing reads you'll fin...